Petrochemical Industry in 12th Five-Year is expected to be introduced in April

阅读:1920 次     发布时间:2016-04-07

In the economic recovery and rising oil prices the double support last year domestic petroleum and chemical industry performance eye-catching, total output value for the first time exceeded 5 trillion yuan, ranked first in the world -- this is China Petroleum 11.33,0.05,0.44% and the Chemical Industry Federation yesterday revealed the latest data. The Association executive vice president Li Shousheng told this reporter, the Federation is currently actively developing petrochemical 12th Five-Year overall industry planning, is expected to be introduced in April. After that, the special planning of each sub industry will also be launched.
In the 12th Five-Year period, the petrochemical industry not only to do addition, but also to do subtraction, multiplication, division." Li Shousheng told reporters, the petrochemical industry in the past lack of capacity, as long as do the addition is enough, but now some of the industry overcapacity, you need to do subtraction, "1025" period also need scientific and technological progress and industrial upgrading, which requires multiplication, and relates to the energy-saving emission reduction need to do division.
He pointed out that the current domestic urea, soda ash, calcium carbide, PVC, methanol and other commodities have serious excess. In addition, the emerging industries such as coal oil, coal to olefins, coal production of ethylene glycol and other blind development of the situation, a new round of investment overheating and waste of resources is becoming more and more obvious.
"Adjustment and upgrading of the elimination of backward production capacity, and the traditional industry, energy-saving emission reduction target realization are 35 industry planning for the preparation of the key, in order to solve overcapacity in the industry is facing the situation." Li Shousheng said.
According to his introduction, including fertilizer, basic raw materials, new chemical, fine chemical industry how to carry out structural adjustment will be reflected in the "Twelfth Five Year Plan", and features of the technology progress, difficulties and breakthrough point, will been involved in planning, in order to achieve the aim of breeding industry advantage.
In the future, structural adjustment and technological innovation will be the two main lines of planning, we strive to petrochemical industry 12th Five-Year overall planning can be somewhat new. Planning preliminary set in April." Li Shousheng revealed that the preparation of the planning work is nearing completion, is expected to convene a closed door meeting after the Spring Festival to carry out the final revision."
He also told reporters that the future of chemical new materials are more promising, the relevant aspects of the research and development of new materials will be encouraged to give some support or create the environment.
Other according to published yesterday by the China Petroleum and chemical industry economic operation report - 2010 review and 2011 market forecast "disclosure (hereinafter referred to as the" report "). In 2010, the output value of Chinas chemical industry first cross step 5 trillion yuan, up to 523 trillion yuan, up 32.6%, about $770 billion, exceeding US $734 billion, chemical total economic output ranked first in the world. This is the historic leap of Chinas chemical industry, and it has a milestone significance.
The report also predicts that in 2011 the total output value of the chemical industry is about 19.2% yuan, an increase of; total profit of about 360 billion yuan, an increase of 18.5%.
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