The marine industry investment fund"

阅读:7968 次     发布时间:2016-04-07

Shipbuilding industry investment fund is Chinas national development and Reform Commission in 2009 approved the establishment of the countrys only one engaged in the shipbuilding industry investment fund, the scale of 20 billion yuan. Ship industry investment fund following the 2009 participated in the third session of the harmonious after, the second appearance harmony, and the establishment of shipping finance area, is committed to providing professional services for investors, promote the growth of the domestic shipping industry, to reduce the impact on the development of the industry of the market cycle, to enhance the level of domestic ship management reached the international advanced level.
Ship fund is the integration of shipping companies, ship manufacturing and spare parts enterprises, port logistics and trade cargo units and banking, insurance and other aspects of resources, in the domestic first financial service platform, with effective collection of domestic and foreign capital, the low cost operation industry chain, and close contact, promote industrial structure optimization of the unique advantages. Fund invests primarily in the direction of the market demand, rate of return of high and the countrys economic development is in urgent need of ships, shipping upstream and downstream industry chain, equity investment, such as market segments of the shipping company and high-end ship equipment manufacturing enterprises equity investment.
The fund is a financial service innovation platform of industrial capital, financial capital and social capital integration, through equity investment mode, real investment mode and asset securitization, IPO listing, shipping industry and downstream resources sharing and new technology integration, enterprise mergers and acquisitions and other channels, to help promote industrial upgrading and structural optimization. To promote industrial integration, through the flexible transaction structure design to meet the diverse needs of investors, through different investment portfolio to reduce agglomeration assets of the same type of risk, by providing multi currency diversification, and hedge risk to their own ship investment and equity based financial or financial products, investors significantly reduce the cost of investment, and effectively improve the rate of return of investors through the integration of industrial chain resources, finally through the liquidity. Barrier open trading mechanism to ensure the smooth realization of investment returns of investors.
In "the third session of the international financing of Chinese Enterprises Fair", in the government departments at all levels of care and assistance, industry colleagues to actively participate in and enthusiastic support, ship fund successfully held the "function in the shipbuilding and shipping industry chain upgrading of ship industry fund" as the theme of the forum. In this year, the upcoming 4th cipef, ship fund will uphold the good atmosphere created by the previous theme of the forum "pragmatic and forward-looking, high-end, the continuation of the previous high-end industry topic, continue to organize and sponsor" ship fund to promote industry resource integration of the theme of the forum ", for further study on the forefront of the industry development direction to build a platform, bringing together wisdom.
The theme of this forum by the Tianjin Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Chinese Veritas (600150), Chinese Shipbuilding Industry Association, ship industry investment fund, the National Development Bank, industrial and commercial bank, Construction Bank (601398) (601939) (600036), China Merchants Bank, Pudong Development Bank, Minsheng Bank (600016), Bohai bank, ICBC leasing the peoples livelihood, leasing, CDB leasing SEATRADE and other agencies Co, invite the competent department of the government leaders to visit the ship, the shipping industry, the advantages of the representatives of enterprises, financial institutions, investment institutions, technology services industry representatives, in the industry to further explore the low tide period through industry financial platform convergence of industrial capital and financial capital, social capital, guide and promote the shipping, shipbuilding, cargo logistics industry chain integration and other industries forward-looking topic.
Ship industry investment fund sincerely hope to improve the domestic shipbuilding and ship operation management level, at the same time in this process with the aid of in the fund to provide financial or financial products to obtain long-term stable high returns of institutional and individual investors service, and ultimately win.
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